Programme Overview

Our programmes are designed to support students in developing the wide range of skills they need to succeed in work, we aim to bring social and cultural capital to children’s lives in Tower Hamlets. Our work extends beyond the classroom, building confidence, awareness and employability skills to get set for adult life

Raising aspirations starts with school. We help schools provide the best possible employability support and careers guidance for their students, raising aspirations and helping them develop the skills needed for future success.

Working with over 85 schools each year, we run a range of managed programmes in learning and careers development, all in line with Ofsted requirements and Gatsby Benchmarks.

In primary schools, we focus on basic literacy and numeracy skills while offering a fun introduction to jobs and careers.

In secondary schools, we develop the behaviours and skills related to securing jobs and choosing careers. Activities include employability days, C.V. writing, mock interviews, work experience and enterprise sessions.

Whether you are based in London or beyond, we provide a broad range of programmes to meet your needs. By partnering with leading employers, we expose students to gain first-hand experience of a variety of roles and workplaces; it’s essential to show the number of possibilities open to them. For specific student cohorts, like those at risk of becoming NEET, or those who could move on to a Russell Group university, we also have long-term support schemes.

Whatever the objective, we have a programme to match.

Please contact us to discuss your school developing a programme with us.

If you are an existing partner school and would like to discuss your current programmes, please call 020 7655 0300 to be directed to the relevant person.

Please contact our Deputy Director for Partnerships to discuss your business getting involved in any of our volunteer programmes.

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